Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Things to Do When You Feel Sad That May Make You Feel Better, Worse, or Exactly the Same.

1. Go outside and look up at the sky until you see a bird. If it is nighttime, look until you see a bat or some other flying object. Try to copy the motions of what you see. If possible, do this in your backyard where no one can see you to mock you or on the side of the road where no one will recognize you. If a bird, a bat, or a UFO is what made you sad in the first place, you may imitate a land roaming, less frightening animal or object.

2. Find a place outside where there is water. It could be a pond by your house, a puddle you stepped in earlier, or some other dirty stream of water running alongside the road. Touch the water with a stick, or if it is somewhat sanitary, with your finger. Watch the water ripple. Look at the little fish swimming. Notice the bacteria and mold grabbing onto the rocks and be thankful that you are a human and not a parasite.

3. You may be feeling weak, unhealthy, or lazy. I recommend taking a vitamin to boost your immune system and make you feel like you are doing something productive for your body. If you do not have vitamins in your medicine cabinet, go to the store and open up a bottle. Put a vitamin in your pocket and close the bottle. Do not take the vitamin before you find water because you will not be able to, probably.

4. Look at yourself in the mirror. Ignore the bags that may be under your eyes, the grease that may be dripping out of your hair and onto your shoulder, and stare at your reflection. Repeat the words, "You made it one more day."

5. Listen to "And Then He Kissed Me" by The Crystals.